27 September 2008





26 September 2008




他曾经在前两位总团长拿督翁诗杰及拿督廖中莱属下担任过马青教育局副主任,经济局主任,青少年事务局主任,全国副组织秘书,受邀中委及票选中委。他更于2005年创立阳光青年,并担任总执行长一职。 目前阳光青年拥有超过一万两千个会员,遍布全国各州及各区。

阿俊目前担任马青票选中委,总团政治局委员,青年事务局主任,经济局顾问,国阵青年团经济局成员,及国阵少青团副团长(PUTERA BN)。他也是马华雪州乌冷区会副主席及中央代表。

社团方面,阿俊曾经担任过INTI国际大学校友会总财政,大马留英学生会总财政。 他目前也是大马贩商总会全国会务顾问,大马罗氏公会理事及多个神庙顾问。阿俊也曾担任过加影市议员和巴生港务局董事。


25 September 2008




经308政治大海啸事件后,阿俊认为马华马青不应该有菜单来限制忠党爱党的干部来参与党团的中央选举。任何人有意愿及有信心来为党团作出贡献及推动马青发展,都可以挺身而出自我推荐来参与各党职的选举。让全体中央代表通过民主的程序来投选出他们认为最佳的人选来领航马青的未来,而不是由“几个人”来决定 “菜单人选”。




24 September 2008

1017 MCA Youth National Election, SAY NO TO MENU !

A lot of new faces appered after MCA State Youth Election. Many up and coming raising star is going to contest in the National Election as well. Ah June's "brothers" in the national Youth like Dr Wee Ka Seong, Dato' Chai Kim Sin, Wyman Yoo, Yip Li Kok, Ling Hee Keat, Lee Li Yew etc got recommanded by their state youth to contest in High Post in National Youth. Very sad, Selangor have too many talented young leaders. Ah June is out of their "List">

Never mind, Ah June fully agree with Datuk Ong Tee Keat's statement that he have no individual "Menu" or partner in this coming party election. What he agree and accept is: The Elected Team of MCA CC by the central delegates. Also supported by Dr Wee Ka Seong, who is contesting the National Youth Chief after Dato' Liow Tiong Lai moving to VP in the parents body. Ah June fully agree and support this idea of No Menu, no preferred team or partner. Is free for all, after 308 Tsunami, any youth leader who think he is fit or confident to contribute to the party and the youth movement, should come forward to nominate or offer himself in the coming National youth election. Let the democracy work itself, let the delegates decide the future of the youth movement in MCA. Not a few leaders who fit it or prepare menu for it.

Ah June ( Loh Chew June ) is a strong supporter to the above mention. Let be free for all, let us choose our own leader who can lead us toward the brighter side of the world after 308 Tsunami. Ah June is going to contest as well. He is interested in a few high post except Youth Chief which he believe Dr Wee is the best candidate to lead the MCA NATIONAL YOUTH. Ah June having 3 terms 9 years experience in national youth working under Ong Tee Keat and Liow Tiong Lai. Also close working relationship with Dr Wee. Ah June used to be Deputy Chief of Education Bureau with Dr Wee. He believe his present in the National Youth can compliment Dr Wee's leadership as well. All Brothers in MCA Youth please give your view to Ah June which post he should contest. eg: Vice Youth Chief, Deputy Secretary General, Deputy Treasurer or ??????? Your comment will be highly appreciated by Ah June and he will take it into consideration when making his decision by this Friday. Thank you !

21 September 2008


MCA Selangor had it convention today. It 1st convention after the 308 Tsunami.Attendant is less, only 991 members turn out for it. As a MCA member, Ah June did participated in the convention and debate as well. Ah June want all MCA members to wake up, don't blame UMNO only. They must prepare themselve for a more challenging political situation.

Ah June want all MCA Cabinet members voice out the community needs and views in the cabinet, fighting the basic right of the rakyat. Not only talking to the press, but also voice it in the Cabinet and BN Supreme Council as well.

Policy is the deciding factor for everything. Only by changing the unfair policy toward certain race or community group, the country can go further. No way the government should discriminate the Rakyat by different their race, religious or ethnic group. The government must do it fairly, policy must be fair to all races and rakyat.

No way using New Economy Plan ( NEP ) again. The BN Government must distribute the country's resources fairly, irregardless of race, religion and social class. For instant: building all type of primary school in the area that need to have more school. Systematically and formalist the building of Chinese Schools in chinese community area. Indian school for Indian residential area and Malay School in Kampung Melayu area according to the need of the community.

Ah June want MCA to support the abolishment of the ISA. Only review is not enough, must abolish it totally. Today the victims are 3 person, one day we might be the next victim.The Police force must charge all person arrested in court. No way they should use ISA to arrest anyone.

Ah June also want MCA to register its members after the new leadership is elected on 18th October 2008. With the number of 1 million members doesn't mean MCA can get the same amount of vote in the General Election. Only about 30% of the "member" voted BN, MCA candidate in particular.These mean 70% of the member are inactive or don't even know they are MCA member. We want 300k actual or real member instead of figure of 1 million but can't locate them. These member can help BN and MCA to win back those state lost to PAKATAN RAKYAT by activate them in various activities and functions.

Good luck MCA, hope you can elect a group of middle age new leaders like Ong Tee Keat, Liow Tiong Lai etc. Let these new leadership to bring MCA out of the low and create a New MCA.