10 October 2008



Last MCA Youth CC Meeting !

Today is the day of the last MCA Youth CC Meeting for the term of 2005-2008. This is also the last Youth CC meeting chaired by YB Dato' Liow Tiong Lai. Almost all MCA Youth CC Member tried to attend today's final meeting. Some of the CC Members who are going to retire or change their platform to the MCA Mother Body expressed their gratitudes for the cooperation and supports from all the C.C. members. As comrades who are working together for the past 3 years, Ah June also felt a little bit sad because he will miss the fun and joyous moments working with those who are retire and out going. Fortunately, they will continue their contribution to the Party after moving up to mother body. Amongst them, 10 of the C.C. members will be contesting in the upcoming MCA Election and almost half of them retire (may be graduating is the better word) from the Youth wing.

Well, this is a very touching moment and Ah June deeply felt the brothers'love from the close working relationship from the past many years. Ah June would like to wish all of them to have a good result in next week's MCA Election. Best wishes to all the brothers !

Thanks for your guidances for the past few years.

08 October 2008






06 October 2008

Campaign Card Design !

After Ah June decided to contest MCA Youth Deputy Secretary General on 26 Sep. He still giving out the old party call card. He wrote the position he is going to contest by hand only. This didn't look professional. Ah June decided to do a special campaign call card, with own identity-the Sunshine Youth CEO Image, simple and easy to see his past records. Hence, Brother L&L, Ah June's good friends started to design the call card immediately. They printed 2,000 cards for Ah June. It looked very nice, simple, special and young. Ah June weared Sunshine youth t-shirt with 3 rubber bans. The red colour wording representing Ah June's loyalty and enthusiasm to the party. What do you think my friends ? Give your comment as well. Thanks a lot !

05 October 2008

给扬扬及妍妍的信 (写于亚航亚庇飞往吉隆坡机上)

孩子: 经过一星期多的奔波,爸从芙蓉到霹雳、槟城、吉打、玻璃市到柔佛,再飞到风下之乡沙巴,向各位马青的叔叔及哥哥们拜票请求他们看在爹地过去三届9年在马青中央的工作表现,把手中一票投给爸,让爸继续为党国服务。

扬扬、妍妍,爸已一星期没回家了。那天妈在电话里告诉我有关妍妍的脚不小心扭伤了,爹地非常担心及自责。担挂妍妍的脚伤的严重吗?自责在这开斋节长假,爸不能陪你及哥哥,更没法带你们到Theme Park玩。

听你妈说,妍妍你很乖,去看“铁打”Uncle Leong时,虽然很痛,但你没哭,你对妈妈说,你不哭是不让爸爸担心!如果当时爸爸一起陪你们去游乐场,可能你的脚就不会受伤。近来,爸为了党选,为了国家及人民老百姓,这个月都很少时间陪你及扬扬哥哥。孩子,你们知道吗?每晚当爸爸午夜抵家时,第一件事便是到你们房间看你们。怕你们太冷,先把冷气关上,再抱你们起来去厕所。你们在朦胧中并不知晓是爹地。当我把你哥妹俩抱回床上,为你们盖上被单,轻吻你们的小脸后,才放心去洗澡。







离开拿督到山打根,是3小时的路程,虽是路不好走,但兄弟们在巴士上有说有笑,很快就到达目的地-山打根。在该处,我们会见了5区(山打根、Batu SapiLibaranKinabatanganBeluran的马青代表,也巧遇竞选署理总会长的林员外、祥才同志。新旧州团长振良及国和,州署理团长玉良都是多年战友,也见到沙州许多新脸孔,更多年轻的区团长及代表。我想沙巴马华有希望了,越多年轻人参与的政党,未来就更有希望。当晚大队乘夜机飞回亚庇,准备第二天远上神山,拜会北部多个区团。

星期五(103日),晴天,大队共乘10部四轮驱动车,浩浩荡荡到访Tauran,见到前团长,如今已贵为区会主席了。Kudat团长KenKota Marudu团长AlexKota Berud 蔡忠勤,Tauran团长Robert都是年轻有为的一群,在沙巴西北部华人占少数的城镇里,他们是任重道远,阿俊对他们为党为国无私的奉献,非常敬佩!过后大队开上神山脚下的Ranau区。在风凉水冷的Perkasa度假村,与各区代表共进午餐交流。丹南团长Anthory也来了,非常感动!还记得去年四驱车队到丹南时,Anthory还特别向阿俊介绍丹南咖啡,希望阿俊做外贸的好朋友,可以把丹南咖啡销售到国外。



Home sweet home !

Ah June is finally back to home sweet home after one week of campaigning. He missed his kids and lovely wife very much. When he was in Sabah ( Campaigning for his MCA Youth Deputy Secretary General post ), he got a call from his lovely wife, telling him that his daughter Zi Yan was injured during her play in the Time Square Theme Park. Ah June was so worried. He felt sorry for his daugther Zi Yan for not able to accompany her and her brother Zi Yang during the long school holidays.

Ah June's 5 year old daughter Zi Yan always wanted to hug him whenever he comes home. Zi Yan was complaining she is unable to see daddy for one whole week. Zi Yan wasn't crying when she was sent to the Master Leong's house for treatment. She told Ah June over the phone, saying "Daddy, i won't cry. I'm a good girl. I won't let mummy worry about my leg." Oh god, how sad it was for Ah June when he heard that. He felt sorry about being away from home for so long. That is the price a politician has to pay, even though he hasn't achieve any success yet.

Ah June usually gets home around midnight when Zi Yang and Zi Yan were asleep. As usual, Ah June switch off their aircond, check their blanket is covering them. Only then he will take his shower. Last night, Ah June had a good sleep until 8am this morning. He was awaken by Zi Yan when she came in the room and hugged him and kissed the daddy's face. What a sweet moment for Ah June, he also hugged the little daughter too, kissed her on her little face. It was so sweet. Ah June forgot all his tiredness and pressures over the week. It's a wonderful moment. It's good to be back home. Home sweet home.