26 June 2009




23 June 2009

武吉公满村民上国会呈备忘录 慕魯基亚允调查山埃采金控诉

当今大马 王德齐 6月23日 下午1点47分


尽管申请司法审核失败,但是彭亨州劳勿武吉公满(Bukit Koman)村民并不放弃抗毒抗争,今日浩浩荡荡到国会提呈备忘录要求政府介入调查。武吉公满反对山埃采金工委会一行10余人,今早前往国会提呈备忘录给首相署副部长慕鲁基亚,投诉金矿公司以山埃采金的方式,危害村民的健康。




备忘录也要求,政府立即指示澳洲金矿私人有限公司(Raub Australian Gold Mining Sdn Bhd),在接受调查期间停止山埃采金。慕鲁基亚:周四召见各单位 对此,慕鲁基亚承诺,公共投诉局将会调查这项投诉,本身将在本周四拜访关丹时,顺道传召各有关单位,包括彭亨州环境局、卫生局和澳洲金矿私人有限公司了解详情。


马青经多方协助,终获金矿场同意让我们小组進入视察。当天早上八点半,我们一行三人从加影出发,经文冬,由李茂权市议员帶领下,于十时半抵达武吉公满新村。见到抗山埃委员会主席黄金雄先生,Mr Hue & En Mustapha 。他们告诉小组,自金矿场於二月份开採以来,居民时有闻到刺鼻气味,不明汽体半夜飘来。黄先生也说:村民出现许多不适症狀。Mr Hue告诉我们,他家里有个汽体探测器,可以帶小组察看,可惜他临时有要事,未能成行。

十一时许進入矿场,保安如临大敌,严守大门,警方也派员出席。矿场也邀请巫统,国大党及记者。看來矿方早有准备。果然,在汇报及参观採金,洗金过程后,其生产部总经理扬士声称符合国际标准,水源再循环,沒废水外流 。这就和后來媒体的报导一样,扬士说沒毒水外流。

过后,小组与矿场管理层开会。马青提出村民的疑问,刺鼻的汽体,是否有毒?扬士说山埃不会产生臭味及硫磺的汽体 。这点马青有点保留,並要求查证。马青认为:矿方即然认为沒排放毒水,毒汽,应开放让抗埃委会及村民参观及查看! 矿方答应马青的要求,会开放门户,並同意与村民对话 。看來是好的开始。

22 June 2009


Visit to RAGM: By Nicholas Goh June 20th, 2009.

Our visit to Raud Australian Gold Mine ( RAGM ) at Bukit Koman, Pahang, is solely to collect facts, meeting with the committee members of the "ban cyanide movement committee" - Committee, villagers reside near the mine and the key personnel of management of the gold mine.

According to the Ban Cyanide Committee, the health of the villagers from the surrounding area are affected by the operation of the mine. They suspect some form of unidentified gas with an offensive stench and is said to smell like rotten eggs, are responsible for some of the illnesses experienced by the villagers. In their opinion, the proximity of the plant to the village is deemed too close especially when deadly substances like cyanide is used. To substantiate their claim of the present of harmful gas in the village, one of the committee member Mr Hue claimed that he is in possession of a gas detection device which he monitor daily and agreed to show us after we come back from our visit to the plant.

This never took place as scheduled because Mr. Hue sms to say that he is on the way to KL to attend to an urgent matter.

During the visit to the plant, our delegate which also include a representative from the village, were shown all the process facilities, including the much talk about cyanide storage and intake areas. A full presentation was made to the group which also includes a Q&A session.

Following the presentation, a small discussion with the senior plant management took place in the office. It was made known to the management about the complaints that we have received earlier from the committee.

It was further agreed that the management must have a open policy to engage the villagers for dialogue to address their concerns. Disputed facts should be verified, ie. work with the committee to see the gas detection equipment which the committee claims that high level of hydrogen sulfide was detected. In addition, we also suggested and agreed by the management that they should work with the villagers to identify the unknown gases and the sources.

To remove the suspicion of the villagers, the management also willing to give group tour for them on short notice. From the discussion with the villagers, in my opinion that most of them seem to accept the fact that the plant is here and will remain for now. To close down the mine is not an easy task. As such, a way to coexist should be established to address first and foremost their health concerns.

The villagers are advised to hold a meeting where all questions and doubts to be compiled. We have agreed and if needed, we will contact the management to have a dialogue with them to address the issued that they have compiled. In our opinion, this is a right step ahead!